Friday, February 10, 2012

Got a New Job!!

I get to quit my crappy job at PetsMart.  That's the main point.  I hated working there for the following reasons:

  1. Humiliating uniform: men's polo shirt, khaki pants that made my butt look like the size of Texas and were dirty within ten minutes of getting to work, and uncomfortable shoes 
  2. Idiots: I worked in the fish department and had to explain to people why they couldn't put a fish which gets 24" into a gallon bowl, or why not feeding their hamster caused it to die.  
  3. Jackass boss: I had a good relationship with my immediate supervisor, but the store manager was a jerk who liked to hover and get in my space.  I finally told him off and he cut my hours in retribution.  If I wasn't leaving I would probably sue.  
  4. I CONSTANTLY smelled of fish tanks
  5. My coworkers didn't do their jobs, and when you don't do certain things like clean the filters on the fish tanks it makes it a really really gross mess for the next person. 
I had applied for a desk job a few weeks ago, but I didn't get it, and I was pretty devastated.  I couldn't bear staying at PetsMart any longer.  However, I had also sent out applications for nanny jobs and one person replied almost immediately, and I got the job!  Here's why it's awesome: 
  1. He is super smart, not even two and knows colors and animals and all sorts of things
  2. His family is from India, which means they're Hindu, which means they're vegetarian, and he doesn't have those awful poops that kids get when they start to eat meat.  You know what I mean.  
  3. He doesn't like staying indoors watching TV all day so we get to go to Explora (the kids museum) and the zoo and aquarium and whatnot all the time
  4. I get to play all day and get PAID for it.  
  5. Good mommy practice, plus when the time comes that we start having kids I won't need to make such a big job-or-family sacrifice, cause I'll be able to do both!

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